Learning Phase II
Learning Phase II Timelines ( 6 Weeks )
Requirements to Advance to Project Phase
Associate Android Developer:
Score 200+ on Associate Android Developer Skill IQ OR engage with 20+ hrs of role-specific content
Associate Cloud Engineer:
Score 180+ on Building Google Cloud Platform Infrastructures on Google Compute Engine Skill IQ OR engage with 20+ hrs of role-specific content
NOTE: Only a limited number of learners will be advancing to Project Phase, we therefore highly encourage you to attempt to take both the Skill IQ assessment and engaging with the content where possible. We will be prioritising users who have met both criteria for advancement (Skill IQ and engagement) if we have more than 6,000 qualified users at the end of Learning Phase 2.
How do I access Learning Content?
Please find direct links to Phase II Pluralsight courses below;
Associate Android Developer :
Main Track - https://bit.ly/AAD2MainTrack
Deep Dive - https://bit.ly/AAD2DeepDive
Associate Cloud Engineer:
Main Track - https://bit.ly/GCP2MainTrack
Deep Dive - https://bit.ly/GCP2DeepDive
Please find direct links to Pluralsight Skill IQ Assessment below;
Associate Android Developer
Associate Android Developer Skill IQ: https://bit.ly/AADIQ
Associate Cloud Engineer
Google Cloud Platform Infrastructures on Google Compute Engine Skill IQ: https://bit.ly/GCloudIQ
How do I access Andela Learning Community Support?
Join the workspace here if you haven't joined - Joining link. Emails and the community space will serve as the primary means of communication.
Guide on how to join your Peer Learning group - https://youtu.be/1KRL6OOZjKU
Having any issues or concerns?
Raise a ticket at http://community.andela.com/ - Use Submit a ticket link on the Navigation Bar
Peer Learning Group(s)
You will be in an assigned team with approximately 35 - 60 learners who are on the same track as you. The peer learning group is for you to share ideas, learning resources, collaborate and hold each other accountable in this course. This is also a great way to meet new people on the same track as you’re. Your group will be assigned more than 2 or more mentors who will be available to unblock you and guide you when facing challenges.
How will the Peer Learning Group(s) work?
Join the PLG slack group
Introduce yourself
Your name
Your country
What you hope to learn from the team
Share with your team what you will be working on on a weekly basis, every Monday
Share blockers you are facing with your team from time to time
Hold each other accountable, ask questions & help unblock your teammates.
Select a team lead(s) who will be leading the team/hold them accountable in the weekly quizzes.
Engage in weekly quizzes [We will be sharing the quizzes on a weekly basis and shouting out teams that passed the quizzes].
Give Friday shout out to people who have supported you throughout the week.
Ensure you check in on your team on slack at least once a day.
We will be sharing projects for you to work on, the aim of these projects will be for you to put what you have been learning into practice, We expect you to leverage your team to execute this -- We will be sharing more details with you.
In case your mentor is unavailable, please let us know by filling this form ASAP -- The team lead can fill the form on behalf of the team - bit.ly/gads-lp2-plg-feedback
Last updated
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